Anna Spanner’s White Chocolate Cheesecake

by spooke


250g White Chocolate
250g Mascarpone Cheese
250g Cream Cheese
300ml Double Cream
2tsp Vanilla Extract
250g Shortbread fingers
100g butter

Crush shortbread. Melt butter and stir into crushed shortbread, empty into a 26cm loose bottom tin and press down firmly with back of a spoon.

Melt the Choc and let cool whilst you whisk together the Mascarpone and cream cheese with the vanilla extract.

Slowly stir in the white Choc a spoonful at a time. Set aside.

Whisk the double cream until it thickens and leaves peaks when you lift the whisk. It shouldn’t be completely stiff as you then need to fold this into the mixture of cheeses.

Once it’s all folded in, spoon it on top of the biscuits and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.